How to let it go aimlessly and unabashed!
Com deixar-ho anar sense rumb i sense vergonya!
Font: AINA
On the fly and with no predetermined direction, works and artists of different generations, provenances and intentions gradually entered the scene.
Sobre la marxa, sense fixar un rumb, obres i artistes de diferents generacions, procedències i intencionalitats van anar entrant en escena.
Font: MaCoCu
They were almost invisible, fast movements, undulating and aimless.
Eren gairebé invisibles, moviments ràpids, ondulants i sense rumb.
Font: MaCoCu
Everyone will try to advise him on his future without direction.
Tots intentaran aconsellar-li en el seu esdevenir sense rumb.
Font: MaCoCu
I like to walk aimlessly around the city and take analog photos.
M’agrada caminar sense rumb per la ciutat i fer fotos analògiques.
Font: MaCoCu
Instead, he wastes his day hanging around with other unemployed and aimless "losers".
En lloc d’això, perd el dia amb altres aturats i "perdedors" sense rumb.
Font: Covost2
We need go abroad for nothing.
No ens cal anar a l’estranger per a res.
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Without going any further, you.
Sense anar més lluny, vostè.
Font: MaCoCu
Manage checks without entering a branch
Gestionar xecs sense anar a l’oficina
Font: MaCoCu
Something like the experience of surfing the Internet with no fixed destination transposed into a television format.
Una cosa així com l’experiència de navegar per Internet sense rumb fix portada al format televisiu.
Font: MaCoCu
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